Getting Involved in NAS

Volunteer to Serve on a Committee

Executive Committee:

  • The Executive Committee is made up of the President, President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Counselor(s). Led by the President, this committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Board and suggest actions for Board approval. Their decisions are confirmed at the next quarterly Board meeting. However, they cannot change Board decisions. To make official decisions, at least two-thirds of the Executive Committee members must be present. They can meet virtually if everyone is identifiable. The President decides when and where they meet. If urgent Board action is needed, they can vote through a two-round polling process without a meeting. The Executive Committee also arranges meetings between itself or the Board and the Program and Policy Committees when necessary.

Are you interested in joining the NAS Executive Committee?

Open Board Positions for  2025 include President-Elect and Treasurer

Contact the NAS office at 402-472-2644 for more information 

Long-Range Planning Committee:

  • The Long-range Planning Committee consists of three Academy members chosen by the Board to ensure diverse perspectives and Academy experience. Annually, one individual is elected to a three-year term or to fulfill a vacancy. This person can be re-elected for two additional terms.

Policy Committee: 

  • The Nebraska Academy of Sciences Policy Committee is made up of one faculty member from each college or university in the state of Nebraska.  Faculty members are appointed to the committee by their institutional president.  These policy committee members are very important to NAS in that they help us to set policy, and publicize our programs within their sphere of influence. 

Program Committee: 

  • The Program Committee is very important to the functioning of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences. Program chairpersons accept scientific abstracts for the Annual Spring Meeting, prepare the program order for their section, and chair the section meeting. 

Scholarship Committee:

  • Comprising six members carefully chosen by the Executive Committee, our Scholarship Committee is the embodiment of our dedication to transformative education. With precision and care, this team selects deserving scholarship recipients, evaluating their holistic potential, academic accomplishments, leadership acumen, and community engagement, all in alignment with the unique criteria of each scholarship.

Policy-Executive-Program (PEP) Committee:

  • Members of the Policy, Executive, and Program (PEP) Committees shall meet jointly with the Board, functioning as the Academy’s annual business meeting near the conclusion of each Annual Meeting. 

For information about serving on any of these committees or to submit a completed applications contact the NAS office by email!